Creative New Zealand: proposals for major funding recipients

The following is the press release from Creative New Zealand setting out proposals entitled Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) decisions.

It has serious musical implications.

It will be noted that of the orchestras currrently funded by Creative NZ, only the Auckland Philharmonia is among the chosen 22 while the orchestras in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin are in the holding pen of 10 further arts bodies.  However, the NZ String Quartet is among the 22.

It will also be noted that eight of the number are in Auckland, plus one – NBR NZ Opera – which is based in Auckland but also performs in Wellington.

The NZ International Arts Festival, Capital-E – National Theatre for Children and BATS Theatre are the only Wellington bodies among the 22. There are a number of ‘national’ arts organisations based in Wellington, which have no particular impact on Wellington.

BATS Theatre is the only Wellington theatre to qualify: neither of the major, long-standing companies are in: Downstage and Circa.  While in Auckland, the Auckland Theatre Company and Massive Company; and the Court Theatre in Christchurch and Centrepoint in Palmerston North are among the select.

And Christchurch’s Southern Opera is among neither the select 22 nor the other 10 in the waiting room.

It might be of interest to see a geographical breakdown of the 22 qualifying arts bodies:


Chamber Music New Zealand
NZ Book Council
NZ String Quartet
Taki Rua


Auckland Festival Trust
Auckland Theatre Co
Black Grace
Massive Company
NBR NZ Opera
Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust
Toi Māori Aotearoa and Touch Compass Dance Trust


Bats Theatre
Capital E


Court Theatre
The Physics Room



Palmerston North

Centrepoint Theatre

The text of the press release is as follows:

The Arts Board and Te Waka Toi (the Māori Arts Board) has confirmed 22 arts organisations into Creative New Zealand’s new Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme.

Of the 39 Expressions of Interest in the programme, 22 organisations have been confirmed to deliver one or more of the key roles.  A further 10 organisationshave been asked to provide further information before a decision is made on their ability to fulfil a key role or their fit with the programme.  As the number of organisations in the programme has not yet been finalised, no decisions have been made about the amount of funding to be allocated to any organisation.

“We are pleased to confirm three new organisations are to receive longer term funding for the first time as part of the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme.  They are Massive Company (youth theatre), the Auckland Festival Trust and Touch Compass Dance Trust (which integrates dancers with and without disabilities in professional performances and events),” Creative New Zealand chief executive Stephen Wainwright said.

Seven organisations have been declined but can apply for funding through the complementary Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme.

“The Arts Board and Te Waka Toi have made decisions on which organisations will take a leading and collaborative role in developing New Zealand’s arts infrastructure for the 21st Century,” Mr Wainwright said.

The new investment programmes were announced in July 2010 and will take effect from 2012.  They replace the existing Recurrent Funding Programme, which was closed to new applicants, and the contestable Arts Investment and Sector Investment programmes.

Timetable for next steps
The 22 arts organisations confirmed in the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme have been asked to submit an indicative programme of activity and budget for the period 2012-2014, by May 2011. 

The 10 organisations where further assessment is needed have been also asked to submit programme and budget information as well as additional information to help assess their fit with the programme.

Creative New Zealand will be meeting with the 32 (22 + 10) organisations in February 2011 to provide advice on the information required and to discuss leadership and development of the arts.

The seven organisations not accepted into the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme, but which are intending to apply for the complementary Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme, must submit their applications for that programme by Friday 10 June 2011.

In August 2011 the Arts Board and Te Waka Toi will decide:

  • how much will be invested in the 22 arts organisations which have been confirmed in the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme
  • whether the 10 organisations where further assessment is needed will be confirmed in the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme and, if so, how much will be invested in each.  Organisations that do not receive funding through this programme may receive funding through the Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme, and
  • which organisations will receive funding through the Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme and how much.

Applicants will be advised of the outcome of these decisions in September 2011.

“This is the first of two sets of decisions to be made by the arts boards as we implement the new investment programmes.  We will be working with arts organisations during 2011 to manage the transition to the new programmes and establish certainty of funding for 2012,” Mr Wainwright said.

Description of the new programmes
The Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme provides support of between two to five years to well run, financially sound organisations that fulfil a key role or roles in the creation, presentation and distribution of high-quality arts experiences to New Zealanders.

The Arts Development Investment programme (Toi Uru Kahikatea) offers greater flexibility in the range of activity it can support with funding available for periods from six months to two years.

The 22 organisations which have been confirmed in the programme are: Auckland Festival Trust, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, Auckland Theatre Company, BATS Theatre, Black Grace, Centrepoint Theatre, Chamber Music New Zealand, DANZ – Dance Aotearoa New Zealand, Massive Company, Capital E – National Theatre for Children and Wellington Children’s Festival, New Zealand Book Council, New Zealand International Arts Festival, NBR New Zealand Opera, New Zealand String Quartet, Objectspace, Playmarket, Taki Rua Productions, Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust, The Court Theatre, The Physics Room, Toi Māori Aotearoa and Touch Compass Dance Trust.

The 10 organisations which have been asked to provide further information before a decision is made on whether they will be confirmed in the programme are: Arts Access Aotearoa, Artspace, Choirs Aotearoa New Zealand, Christchurch Symphony Orchestra, Circa Theatre, Downstage Theatre, Footnote Dance, Fortune Theatre, Southern Sinfonia and Vector Wellington Orchestra.

Establishing the Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) and Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programmes was a recommendation from Creative New Zealand’s review of its programme for Recurrently Funded Organisations (RFOs).   The RFO review is the last of three funding programme reviews that Creative New Zealand undertook to complete as part of its strategic plan for 2007-2010.

In addition to the new programmes, Creative New Zealand will continue to offer Arts Grants and Quick Response Grants and continue to support the Creative Communities Scheme.

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