Climactic finale to a splendid festival

Adam Chamber Music Festival: Grand Finale


New Zealand String Quartet, Alexander Zemstov (viola) and Leonid Gorokhov (cello) of the Hermitage String Trio, Hiroshi Ikematsu (double bass), James Campbell (clarinet), Edward Allen (horn), Robert Weeks (bassoon)


Beethoven: Duet in E flat (‘Eyeglass’), WoO 32; Vieuxtemps: Capriccio in C minor for solo viola; Weber: Clarinet Quintet in B flat, Op 44; Schubert: Octet in E, D 803


Nelson Cathedral, Saturday 12 February 7.30pm


The last concert in this compressed festival brought most of the players in the two string ensembles together plus other prominent soloists. It was an odd-looking programme, but anything goes at a farewell party, and this certainly did that.


The Beethoven duet was an unpublished piece, unfinished, in only two movements, but a highly entertaining one. The players were from the Hermitage Trio who may well have made it something of a trademark, such was their conspicuous flair with it. Written for a patron, an amateur cellist, with whom Beethoven (a violist) had a particularly jocular relationship; presumably for them to play together. So it is a delightful piece, playful, witty and rather lovely in its melodies and the spirit of friendship which is not hard to discern. Needless to say, the performance was brilliant, witty as far as music can be witty, and immaculate.


Gillian Ansell got a solo slot in the last concert, playing a rarity by great Belgian violinist Vieuxtemps. Tuneful and quite challenging, it offered a good opportunity to hear the fine violist of the New Zealand String Quartet on her own; she proved a most worthy candidate for such exposure.


James Campbell also had another chance to play. As chamber music Weber’s clarinet quintet hardly meets some of the tests, for it is a rather shameless show-piece for the instrument and the four strings (the NZSQ) merely accompany as if in a very routine classical period concerto. Campbell made the most of its beauties and its brilliant writing however to produce an extremely entertaining performance.


Finally, the piece for which all this had really been merely a curtain raiser: Schubert’s Octet. It’s one of those pieces the needs an unusual variety of musicians: a string quartet, a double bass, clarinet, bassoon and horn. This time it was an entirely New Zealand affair apart from the clarinet, never mind that almost all the others were foreign-born New Zealanders.


And so it proved an extremely lively, immaculate performance, a first movement setting out confidently with an air of high expectancy, as if on a big journey. There was something about the spirit of the playing that seemed to announce the size and range of this unique masterpiece right from the start, which would have made it hard to imagine its stopping for example at the end of the fourth movement, which would not be improbable given its extensive theme and variations form. The soul of the piece might well be the Adagio second movement which expressed a marvelous relaxation, fielded a blend of strings and wind instruments that was rapturous in the rich and voluptuous blend. That fourth movement offered lovely opportunities for all the players, exceeding expectations of mere perfection, in ever-changing combinations and solo episodes through the way Schubert uses the variations pattern. The last movement began with foreboding tremolos and steady-paced mystical passages before upping the tempo for the coda that seemed unable to bring itself to an end. Few in the audience would have been hoping for that for it also meant the end of the festival; there was a long, rowdy ovation for this performance and for the festival as a whole. 


It had been a festival made more full-on for the audiences who in a few days could have heard more music than previously, but imposed greater demands, with less leisure time, on the players. I hope the effect of that does not discourage visiting musicians in the future from what has become quite famous as a time of bacchanalian relaxation as well as companionable music making. 


It had been a wonderful festival. 

Last day at Nelson. Bickerton with kids and Riseley with Paganini

Adam Chamber Music Festival. Saturday Music at Nelson. Bob Bickerton with Kid’s Concert; Riseley plays Paganini Caprices

Nelson School of Music and St John’s church


Saturday 12 February 10am and 1pm


Bob Bickerton is a multi-talented musician, a composer as well as a versatile, gifted performer on many instruments, he has been heavily involved in bringing music to children and young people over the past couple of decades. I went along to see him in action on Saturday morning. He and his boxes of instruments were on the stage while his audience was on the tiers of seats behind the stage.  


Naturally, he has an engaging personality, likely to catch and hold children’s attention. And he did – most of the time; though in spite of what I thought were entertaining anecdotes and observations, quite a few of the children were inattentive. Might one suppose that the floods of highly coloured, endlessly energetic, violent, visually exciting stuff on television and DVDs has so inured them to ordinary people telling them things without high-speed histrionics, that it fails to engage them.


Bickerton began by demonstrating how blown instruments produce their sounds, starting with a milk bottle and progressing to pipes and flutes and reeds; then the effects of causing taut strings to vibrate when plucked or stroked with horse hair. Then he played examples of music from various countires, on various instruments, with humour and considerable skill.  


I would be surprised if a higher proportion of children than of adults become really engrossed by music. Nevertheless, I’m sure that in

the climate in which most children find themselves today, it is easier for most to escape any real exposure to ‘good’ music than ever before. As with many things, most significantly languages and poetry, unless minds and memories are furnished with music by adolescence, it might escape them altogether.


Paganini Caprices Op 1
Martin Riseley played the entire 24 of Paganini’s Caprices at 1pm. Always a formidable task, this was a very considerable feat. He had decided to take his time with them by pausing for applause after each and by talking briefly about each beforehand, and he took short breaks after each six. This probably added fifteen or twenty minutes to the recital. There were a few departures after the halfway mark.


It is easy to hear them as mere displays of bravura and party tricks. But in reality the tricks are modest and limited in comparison to the hair-raising stunts that became common later in the 19th century. It’s not profound and soul-searing music such as might be found in the Bach solo sonatas and partitas, but I believe that if you listen open-eared without letting comparisons with his contemporaries like Beethoven or Weber, Schubert or Rossini distract you, there is musical substance and an inventive musical mind that has created interesting and enjoyable music. Some do seem somewhat empty, but far more seem to have considerable merit, such as numbers 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18 and 24 of course.


His performances were not flawless, but it was an enjoyable if unnecessarily long recital of one of the more uncommon chefs d’oeuvres in the violin literature.


Fun, virtuosity and the hugely popular Vivaldi at Nelson

Adam Chamber Music festival. Four Seasons

Boccherini: String Quintet in C; Rossini: Duo for cello and bass; Paganini: Introduction and Variations on ‘Nel cor piu non mi sento’ from La Molinara by Paisiello; Motoharu Kawashima: Paganigani (1999); Vivaldi: The Four Seasons (Le quattro stagione), Op 8, Nos 1-4

Nelson Cathedral, Friday 11 February, 7.30pm

The penultimate evening concert from this splendid festival moved into the large territory of very popular, and very funny, and very extraordinary music. It was a brilliant success.

There was a surprise at the beginning. The artistic directors had realised that the Boccherini quintet that was played at the opening gala dinner and concert should be heard by more than those who were there (I was one of those not there), and perhaps heard again by the latter.

Boccherini is a composer whose music depends somewhat on the spirit and skill of the performers to reveal its real worth. There is huge scope for musicians of that calibre and who care to explore, for the Yves Gérard catalogue of Boccherini’s music lists some 140 string quintets and almost 100 string quartets, masses of other chamber music, some 10 cello concertos and 30 symphonies and so on to over 600 works. There are probably a couple of dozen quintets in C major.

Though I haven’t been able to identify it in the catalogue, the one they played is distinctive because its last movement was used by Jean Françaix in his ballet based on Boccherini’s music, Scuola di ballo of 1933; its Allegro con moto is indeed a rhythmically striking piece. The ballet suite used to frequent the Dinner Music programme on 2YC, the predecessor of Radio New Zealand Concert and I was happy to discover there was more to Boccherini than the Minuet.

The quintet was played by the musicians of the Hermitage String Trio plus Helene Pohl and Rolf Gjelsten, in the additional violin and cello parts, and the opulent tone they all produced and the careful handling of its subdued and charming accents awakened the audience to this composer’s importance.

Rossini’s Duo for cello and bass was introduced by Hiroshi Ikematsu, principal bass player of the NZSO, in a mixture of fact and facetiousness. The latter was the right manner for it proved one of Rossini’s incomparable masterpieces in the field of almost impossibly difficult as well as comic creations. Ikematsu ended by adding that it was worth noting that it was written for an amateur cellist but a professional bass player, grinning superciliously at Rolf Gjelsten. Along with the music itself, there was a stand-up comic routine comprising alarming difficulties, riotous musical juxtapositions and absurd virtuosity. I doubt that the piece has ever had such an exponent as this; and Gjelsten wasn’t too bad either..

Ikematsu was back on his own later with a piece by a Japanese colleague (Motoharu Kawashima), bearing the name Paganigani, which when translated phonically into Japanese ideographs contains the word ‘crab’. It combined a great deal of game playing with a gloved hand that I eventually understood to be the crab, that caused him a good deal of trouble, interfering with his attempts to play what he confessed was impossibly difficult music. He said he’d spent hundreds of hours on it, but it had all been a waste of time.

In somewhat the same class was an almost as extraordinary piece by the real Paganini, based on an aria from an opera of Paisiello, played by Martin Riseley. It contained every trick the book, at least up to his time, and the performance was highly accomplished, delivered with apparent ease, though the price one pays for such speed and dexterty is often some loss of tonal richness.

The crowd was there for The Four Seasons however, and I saw no glum faces at the end. It was a nice idea to have Danny Mulheron’s recorded voice reading the little poems with which Vivaldi had prefaced each concerto. Most of the players from the two string ensembles formed the ripieno group, one to a part, and the soloists formed part of it when they were not playing the solo.

Helene Pohl played Spring with shining tone, great brilliance, and the entire sound was so fine that one was delighted that Radio New Zealand Concert had managed to find funds from their ever-tightening budget to record this and the most important concerts in the festival. After the boisterous applause, she smiled as broadly as any in the audience. Douglas Beilman took the next concerto, Summer, which features the famous summer storm. He produces a much more velvety tone from his vintage violin and it generated a splendid dark colour for the hail and destruction of the crops.

From the Autumn concerto Rolf Gjelsten took over the cello part from Leonid Gorokhov while the soloist here was Martin Riseley, delivering the peasant style harvest jollity with tugging down-bows and strong rhythms. Finally, Hermitage Trio violinist Denis Goldfeld was the soloist in Winter, which gave him the privilege of playing the beautiful second movement. He used short chilling strokes with shivering irregular rhythms, enhanced by playing sul ponticello – close to the bridge – at one point.

There was a great outburst of applause at the end with many on their feet.

Rare and beautiful trio explores its repertoire for Nelson’s festival


Adam Chamber Music Festival. Fairytales: Schumann: Märchenerzählungen, Op 132; Brahms: Intermezzi, Op 117; Bruch: Eight Pieces, Op 83, Nos 5, 2, 6, 7.


James Campbell (clarinet), Gillian Ansell (viola), Martin Roscoe (piano)


Nelson School of Music, Friday 11 February 1pm


The festival’s artistic directors, no doubt always in close rapport with the artists concerned, have had an unerring ability to fit the music together in contexts that were coherent but also fitted the time of day and the venue.


That has been so true of the midday concerts in the charming church of St John.


Schumann’s Fairy Tales were among the last pieces he wrote before his mind collapsed, and it is possible to suggest that the quality of melodic inspiration has declined. But the spirit of whimsy and playfulness remained, clearly enough here. Nevertheless it is true that the weaker the music, the more dependent it is on loving and inspiring performance. The four pieces here, melodically not very memorable, came to life with these players who could invest them with such affecting charm and colour.


Though nothing much came to mind when I tried to conjure up images or fairy tales to accompany the pieces, no visual support was really needed to accompany this delicate music.


Martin Roscoe then played comparable, though one must admit, much more inspired and imaginative music – Brahms’s Three Intermezzi of Op 117. They were the kind of performance that one imagines might reside in a Platonic heaven of Ideals: absolutely immaculate, richly expressive in their nostalgia or gaiety, full of life, so natural and simply beautiful in pace, articulation and dynamics.


Then there were four of Max Bruch’s Eight Pieces for this trio of instruments, his Op 83 – the combination that exists because Mozart wrote the only truly great music for it in the Kegelstatt Trio, K 498. One or two groups have lighted upon these Bruch pieces recently, but none had convinced me of their charm and sheer musical worth as much as this performance has. The tunes were clear and memorable and the balance and ensemble of the trio brought them to life in the most beguiling way, with some quite beautiful clarinet playing. Hearing such attractive pieces always induces me to explore more of the neglected Bruch, but one is usually a little bit disappointed; I shall keep exploring.  


This was the last performance by Martin Roscoe in the Festival; other concert promoters could do worse than invite him back soon.



Messiaen masterpiece a centre-piece of Nelson’s festival

Adam Chamber Music Festival: Messian’s Quartet for the End of Time


Martin Roscoe (piano), James Campbell (clarinet), Helene Pohl (violin) and Rolf Gjelsten (cello)


Nelson School of Music, Thursday 10 February, 7.30pm


Major concerts in the evening slot continued through the week. This one drew on the ?fortuitous? presence of both a top-rank pianist and clarinettist to give us Messiaen’s great Quartet.


Some felt the programme was a little long, starting with Brahms first piano trio, a glorious, youthful (he was 20) work full of melody, optimism and enormous promise. It and the Messiaen would have made for a long enough concert, but three fairly short New Zealand works were added. I heard a few small complaints, but surely in a festival, time is not of the essence, and most of us are keen enough on music to welcome more than we might on a cold winter’s night in Wellington. .


A better line-up of musicians for the Brahms trio would be hard to find, certainly in New Zealand at the moment. First, it confirmed what superb chamber musicians all three were, which is not to denigrate their flair in solo repertoire. The restraint with which Martin Roscoe approached this large-limbed, extrovert work was not necessarily to be expected, but even with the lid on the long stick, it was always a perfect fit with the others. Towards the end of the first movement, which was played with the repeats but at a speed that allowed no one to become bored, the piano has a call to arms which stood out all the better after its earlier restraint. However, it was the slow movement that might have surprised some by its stillness and pensiveness.


The first of the New Zealand pieces played by Roscoe was Ross Harris’s short Study in Blue and Green, a colourful impression of the seascape from Paekakariki, beginning in calm and turning into a Northerly gale. John Rimmer’s portrayal of the endangered kokako from the 1970s, when outrage erupted about the continuing destruction of the small remnants of lowland podocarp forest, the kokako’s habitat; your reviewer was present at Pureora forest during the tree-sitting campaign. The piece is based on single notes that suggested the boom of the bird’s call evocatively enough, and trills in the right hand suggested scampering noises of birds and the wind. Not that far removed from the Messiaen piece that was to follow.


Three of Antony Ritchie’s 24 piano preludes were without any specific pictorial inspiration; the composer bravely but convincingly laid himself open to comparison with the Bachs, Chopins, Debussys and Rachmaninovs of the genre. Roscoe vouchsafed his intention to take the pieces back to the UK.


We came to the Messiaen after the interval. Again, there was a sense of wonderment that such a fine quartet of players was here at this festival.


Campbell talked very interestingly, articulately about the music and its origins; excellently chosen words, with the various players illustrating some of the main features. The ambience of the auditorium was atmospheric, with a candelabra behind the stage and spotlight falling solely on the players; perhaps not quite what a German prisoner-of-war camp was like, Musicians are often not sufficiently attentive to visual matters, but here it was admirable.


The eight widely varied movements held the audience spell-bound; as during the previous night’s Winterreise, silence was total till the breaks between each movement when there were careful stretchings and shiftings. The solo clarinet during the first movement, used simply because there was a clarinet player in Stalag 8, seemed to be speaking to the universe, in tones of profound spirituality, by no means a narrow view of Messiaen’s Catholicism.


There were remarkable features in the performances by all players. The clarinet and violin in bird calls in the first movement; the slow Abîme des oiseaux – the third movement – for solo clarinet, that emerges miraculously from nothing to become an awful scream: such breathtaking(?) control. The fifth movement, Louange à l’Éternité de Jésus, for cello and piano, seems central to the work, the piano’s repeated chords became almost intolerable, giving way to the solo cello. The whole is steeped in Messiaen’s unique, mystical religious belief, but the Danse de la fureur, pour les trompettes, in unison, creating a strong though irregular rhythmic pattern, creates perhaps the most specific religious reference; the last two movements succeeded in expressing an extraordinary spirituality, never sectarian, but of universal force and even relevance to today.


I’ve heard it performed live only about four times, and at the end, I was convinced that none had reached the profundity and degree of spiritual ecstasy that this performance had produced. No one capable of speech afterwards was able to express anything very different from that.


Kugeltov Klezmer music lends a joyous note to the festival

Adam Chamber Music Festival: Kugeltov Klezmer Quartet (NZSO players – Robin Perks (violin) and Malcolm Struthers (double bass); Tui Clark (clarinet) and Ross Harris (piano accordion)

St John’s Church, Nelson. Thursday 10 February 1pm

I first heard the Kugeltov Quartet in the Festival concerts at St Andrew’s on the Terrace last March, though they had been around for a while before that, and I was immediately enraptured by the music. There’s no barrier to its access, as it lies beneath so much European classical music; furthermore I’d come to love the popular music of all the Balkan countries when I lived in Greece in the 60s.

It is probably true that the success of the concert lies even more in the energy and idiomatic grasp of the various styles by the musicians themselves. It would be hard to imagine more spirited and brilliant players, especially those in the leading melodic roles, Robin Perks on the violin and Tui Clark of the clarinet. Both slipped easily into the boisterous manner characterised by slides between notes, shrill, squealing clarinet forays that seemed to eliminate the sound of a reed altogether, and rhythms that made it hard to stay in the seat.

There were about 25 pieces on the programme some grouped together and played as if they were parts of a larger piece. Ross Harris had written many of them.

So close are many of these tunes to the traditional music of various Ethnic groups of Eastern Europe that I have always wondered whether this Jewish music derived from the music of the Slav and Magyar – Christian or Muslim – people who surrounded them. Or the other way round.

Typically the music varied between fast and riotous dances that seemed to call for very fast foot-work, jumping and spinning, such as Der Heyser Bulgar and Freyt Aykh Yidelekh, and slow and soulful ones like Kale Bazetsn or Harris’s Vuhin gaitzu. And there were a few pieces that called up a distinct tradition like Greber and Dobriden, both in triple time.

They ended the concert with one of the most popular tunes from Ukraine, Hava Naglia, which brought the audience to stamping feet and clapping hands.

In the early festivals the trad jazz band Nairobi Trio was a popular highlight, playing in the Boathouse on Rocks Road. It’s good that the festival still imports such music that is in spirited contrast to most of the music and also offers such a strong antidote to ubiquitous pop and rock music.

Lewis and Houstoun with Winterreise: a highlight in Nelson

Adam Chamber Music Festival

Winterreise by Schubert sung by Keith Lewis (tenor) with Michael Houstoun at the piano.

Nelson School of Music, Wednesday 9 February 7.30pm

Another highlight of the festival (there were almost daily) was the presence of Keith Lewis and Michael Houstoun to perform Schubert’s Winterreise. They performed to a not quite full auditorium; many, after hearing reports from friends who had heard them, would have regretted not being there.

It’s a pity, nevertheless that some of the competition on this evening came from the festival itself, with a sold-out concert at Motueka featuring the Hermitage String Trio in music that was not played in Nelson (by Schubert, Tanyeyev and Mozart – though the Divertimento K 563 had been played in Nelson on Saturday).

This cycle of 24 songs takes about an hour and a quarter; there was a break of a few minutes in the middle, but the audience sat quiet and transfixed by this consummate, moving performance by both musicians, who have to rank among the finest New Zealand musicians working at the present time.

First, I should note an innovation that sets an admirable precedent for voice recitals: the projection of surtitles. Occasional whines are still heard about them in the opera house though I have been a wholehearted supporter from their first appearance in the late 80s. If there are plausible objections to their use in opera, however, there can be none in the recital. The decision was made to not include the words or translations in the programme, to avoid the interrupting rustle of collective page turning and the dispiriting vision, for the artists, of audience heads down during the performance. In recital, eyes do not need to be constantly on the stage watching movements, gestures, expressions; nothing is lost by raising the eyes to read the words. And the surtitle screen was of ideal size, allowing easy reading of full translations in images that were very clear.

At the end of the concert booklets containing full German and English texts were distributed. The whole process was handled with great care and thoughtfulness.

My expectations had been high, but the reality left me considerably more overwhelmed that I had been prepared for. Lewis’s voice is probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but by any objective measure it is a beautifully polished instrument, with a distinctive timbre; it has a quite wide compass, with a variety of colours that change with the tessitura; he also makes good use of colour changes in the same tessitura. His voice is still very firm and clear, not at all afflicted by excessive vibrato.

Right at the beginning of the cycle, with ‘Gute Nacht’, the poet at once confronts us with heart-break, and the anguish is plain in the music and in Lewis’s voice. The poet Wilhelm Müller then employs a variety of imagery and metaphor to describe his emotions and the ways in which he attempts to deal with, or to succumb to, his grief. Lewis varied his voice to reflect these feelings with great finesse, for example, with a penetrating chill in his low notes in ‘Gefrorne Träne’; and the rushing piano chords filled with terror as he flees the town that now symbolises betrayal for him. In ‘Rast’ he seems to find consolation only for it to turn to anguish again in the last line, which Lewis captured so keenly. A similar, strange terror invades his voice in a song like ‘Die Krähe’.

Houstoun’s piano is of course omnipresent, of almost equal importance, presaging a mood or event, and supporting the vocal line with infinite sympathy. A moment like the beginning of ‘Im Dorfe’ was striking, with its tremolo piano chords and then again the racing scales that describe the passing storm in ‘Der stürmishe Morgen’.

There are the moments of calm, and consolation, like ‘Der LIndenbaum’ and ‘Frühlingstraum’ in which a cheerful triple time allows the singer to lighten his voice, only to collapse in despair as the cocks crow towards the end. A 6/8 rhythm again represents fleeting hope in ‘Täuschung’ (Delusion).

One of the most profound and moving songs is ‘Der Wegweiser’ with its repeated notes that rise forlornly at the end of the phrase. But in spite of the surfeit of grief and misery in all preceding 23 songs that accumulates unbearably in the last group, nothing can diminish the sheer despair, or eclipse the musical genius that has created ‘Der Leiermann’, which Lewis sang with an emotion as profound as I have ever heard.

Perhaps just one matter to remark – his use of the score throughout. Many singers of his stature would have such a work securely by heart. There is a good case for using a score, however, for there is no connection between musical gifts and a thorough command of a work, and the confidence to do away altogether with the safety net of printed pages. And his very infrequent glances at the audience through scarcely opened eyes seemed a little disconcerting, affecting in some way the contact with the audience. If it matters to the audience, and I think for most it does, he should school himself to make that contact.

But what really mattered was what the voice uttered and the piano delivered as equal partners: a performance of one of the greatest masterpieces in all music that was utterly memorable.

‘A-Mews-ment’ in Nelson with classical pieces

Real classical music, as it should be

Douglas Mews (fortepiano), Douglas Beilman (violin), Euan Murdoch (cello)


Haydn: Piano Trio No 40 in F sharp minor, Hob. 15/26; C P E Bach: Fantasia and Rondo in C; Mozart: Piano Trio in  B flat, K 502


St John’s Church, Wednesday 9 February, 1pm


The remarks by both Euan Murdoch and Douglas Mews on the tuning, instrument characteristics and performance techniques in the late 18th century were very illuminating for the audience, both those with some familiarity with and knowledge of the issues, and others. It emerged here that three keyboard instruments had made the journey from Wellington to equip performers for several of the concerts involving pre-1800 music: a chamber organ and harpsichord used in the Bach concert, and the fortepiano at this one. They were all loaned by the New Zealand School of Music. 


Those who had heard the Haydn played on modern instruments may initially have been disconcerted by the small, but very clear sound generated by the keyboard, the size of the sound being very similar to the contemporary harpsichord, given the smaller case, lower tension on the strings and wooden instead of iron frame. So it took little time for it to start to sound normal. The most conspicuous continuing difference is the rapid dying of the sound of the vibrating strings, which gave an altogether different meaning to those elements of the piece that might have been called ‘Sturm und Drang’,  that extreme aspect of the baroque that presaged the Romantic era.


From the same decade was Mozart’s Piano Trio in B flat. Because Mozart’s music generally seems slightly more modern than Haydn’, this trio, in ‘authentic’ clothes was perhaps more surprising than the Haydn. It emerged with short breaths, brilliant, brittle; there is nothing showy in the writing, as the piano trio was aimed more at the domestic market than at professional performance. The string players used very little vibrato, though it was not entirely absent, at the end of a long-held note. Melody is slight though agreeable, with more attention devoted to the style of ornamentation, which presumably entertained the amateur pianist more than it might today.


Between the two trios Mews played a rather extraordinary piece by Bach’s second son, Carl Philipp Emanuel, who was more esteemed than his father in the late 18th century. Melody came in very abbreviated scraps, and any sort of development was abruptly denied, as another quite different idea was thrown into the progress, or an unexpected key-change into a distant key, perhaps after a strident foreign bass note, or simply a short silence.  It was an entertaining episode though I confess to having remained moderately unmoved by most of CPE’s music.  


The playing of both string players, with instruments of the era – Beilman’s a genuine antique though of confused provenance, and Murdoch’s a modern replica, had all the hall-marks of thoroughly practised musicians in the special field of historically-informed performance.


Roscoe celebrates Liszt’s 200th birthday in Nelson

Adam Chamber Music Festival. Martin Roscoe (piano)

Liszt: Ballade No 2 in B minor, Bénédiction de Dieu dans la Solitude, Schlaflos, Frage und Antwort, La lugubre Gondola, Tarantella (Venezia e Napoli), Sonata in B minor; encore – Transcription of the Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde.

Nelson School of Music. Tuesday 8 February 7.30pm

This was a recital, I had thought, that would have been considered one of the real highlights of the festival and would accordingly have been sold out. It was not; perhaps three-quarters full. It may have been the lingering notion that Liszt’s extraordinary pianism excludes the possibility of producing good music, or that Roscoe’s name was not sufficiently exciting to bring people out regardless of the music.

Roscoe spoke before most of the pieces making clear his own view of Liszt’s importance in the history of music and the greatness of much of his music. For me the only problem was the combined effect of a piano with a somewhat unruly bass resonance, encouraged by the very responsive acoustic of the auditorium, and further exploited by Roscoe’s somewhat formidable treatment of passages above mezzo-forte.

The second Ballade used to be fairly familar when I was young, but it’s one of the many pieces that’s been dismissed by critics who focus on the orthodox forms and structures that they can see in the printed score, not daring to trust a response to the simple impact of the performed music. Roscoe brought its drama vividly to life, while also allowing the quiet, reflective passages to suggest a metaphysical state. Though the double octaves were a bit too much, the music’s subsidence to a poetic ending forgave everything. The Bénédiction is one of the many remarkable pieces in the collection, Harmonies poétiques et religieuses, and while there are a few passages that don’t wear well, seeming overblown, and Roscoe’s left hand left the accompanying figures rather mechanical, the totality remains a thing of romantic splendour.

Then came two of Liszt’s late piano pieces: Schlaflos, and La lugubre Gondola. Again, the opening of Schlaflos was too loud, far louder than was needed to wake the corpse being carried along the Grand Canal in the next piece. The two performances were valuable in reminding the doubters that Liszt was a subtle, inward creative spirit, particularly in his last years; they were arresting. To return to the central Liszt, Roscoe then played the Tarantella from Venezia e Napoli, a supplement to the Second Year of the Années de Pèlerinage, Book II. One of his most flamboyant pieces, Roscoe played it as fast as possible.

All this was a prelude to the Sonata in B minor. Roscoe does not perhaps have the gift of thoroughly disguising the work and effort that lies behind a performance of a piece of this kind; he does not make it look easy. Nevertheless, along with the expected quota of blurred moments, it was an impressive performance that seemed driven by a towering sense of purpose and an awareness from the first suggestive notes of the momentous spiritual journey that lay ahead. Such a performance should have allowed the pianist to close the fall-board which remained on the long stick.

An encore after such a challenging journey was hardly to be expected So it was a surprise when, as an encore, he took on the transcription of the Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde with undiminished romantic power.

Roscoe had put together, in a very short space, a representative selection of Liszt’s huge output of piano music, from the flamboyant early pieces to the spare spiritual pieces of his last years.

Hermitage String Trio on their home territory for the Nelson festival

‘Hermitage Serenade’

Dohnanyi: Serenade in C, Op 10; Beethoven: Serenade in D, Op 8


Hermitage String Trio


St John’s Church, Nelson. Tuesday 8 February, 1pm


This was really the first display of the visiting trio of Russian players in the festival, though they had been very conspicuous as individuals in most of the earlier concerts.


Dohnanyi’s trio is a favourite piece in a repertoire that has not been much enlarged during the past century. There are five fairly brief movements, very distinct and dressed in attractive melody and compositional treatments. The players’ ever-changing and ear-catching articulation contributed, perhaps not really necessarily, to the entertainment.


The second movement began with a lovely viola tune against pizzicato violin and cello, unpretentious yet masterly and it was followed by a Scherzo that began as a sort of furious fugue with jazzy chromatic descents. It was a delightful performance of a work filled with the confidence that it was still possible for a composer to evince in the first decade of the 20th century. And it was a splendid example of the impact of players of the top rank with absolutely secure intonation and unity of purpose.


Beethoven’s Op 8 Serenade is a work deriving from a similar period of optimism and self-confidence – the period of the French revoution when much of Europe was optimistic about its promise to bring freedom to the peoples of many repressive and absolutist states in Europe – Beethoven, like most thinkers and artists, had great hopes of political progress during the first years of Napoleon’s rule; furthermore, it was before the onset of his deafness.


This piece sounds little like the Beethoven of a few years later; in fact Boccherini is a composer that might come to mind if you were hearing it unannounced, though it is more colourful, energetic, filled with better tunes than most of Boccherini. The next guess would be Haydn, for the many curious turns of phrase, sudden changes of pace, of key, of false starts and stops. There are seven shortish movements, like the serenades of his predecessors, Haydn and Mozart. In the last movement, Marcia da capo, there’s quite a long pause at an unexpected point, and then its resumption as if nothing had happened, only to end with an unresolved cadence.


The two delightful works made for an ideal lunchtime concert on a sunny Nelson day.